Rewiring Your Subconscious Mind

Your internal beliefs significantly affect your thoughts, actions, the relationships you’re drawn to, the opportunities you seize, etc. If the world is a blurry canvas, your subconscious is the lens through which you focus. And what you focus on is up to you.

Your beliefs create your reality, so you aim to align your subconscious with your desired reality. But how?

Write about it - write about your lifestyle, your personality, whatever comes to mind. Be as detailed and descriptive as possible when doing this. If you’re looking for a starting point, close your eyes and picture your ideal, best self in your head. Ask yourself these questions below, and write down your answers:

  • What’s the lifestyle you want to bring about?

  • What kind of relationships do you have?

  • What type of work are you doing?

  • What are your habits? routines?

  • How do you see yourself?

  • How do you dress?

  • How do you feel about yourself?

  • What kind of friends do you have?

This design thinking session is meant to materialize what you consider your best self. Once you have an idea of what that person looks like, outline the path between your current self and the one you envisioned, and create SMART goals in alignment with that path.


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